Worship Assistants:
Worship Assistant Calendars can be found in the monthly Country Christian.
Everyone is welcome and encouraged to be involved and participate in worship services. Worship Assistants serve as lectors, communion assistants, acolytes, greeters, ushers, instrumentalists or soloists, choirs and other ensembles. Please contact the church office at (920) 925-3540 or office@ilcol.org for more information.
Lectors (Lay Readers) – Read the first lesson, second lesson, and Psalm.
Communion Assistants – Assist in the distribution of Holy Communion.
Greeters – Welcome worshipers to service.
Acolytes - Students in 5th - 8th grades light the altar candles, receive the offerings, and assist Pastor as needed.
Acolytes may also serve as Lectors.
Ushers - Welcome and assist in seating worshipers; assist in gathering the offering and directing worshipers to communion.
Boards and Committees:
Immanuel has a church council and several committees that play an active role in decisions for our Church. Among these are:
Church Council and Executive Board
Christian Education
Congregational Life
Worship & Music
Stewardship & Finance
Outreach Committee
Property Committee
School Representatives (Joint School Board)